
70 Prohibitions for Pregnant Women You Should Avoid

Prohibitions for Pregnant Women You Should Avoid - Getting pregnant is like a really beautiful gift in this life. Some people do different types of business in order to get pregnant. Therefore, there are some facts to keep the fetus in the womb until it is born into the world and is born in prime condition. Sometimes many pregnant women do not understand their mistakes and regret after experiencing a miscarriage. This is something that is really not expected. So, there are many behaviors or routines that are completely prohibited during pregnancy. The following are many things that are really important for pregnant women to remember regarding their lifestyle, diet plan, health and in everyday life.

Prohibition of Pregnant Women in Lifestyle

Having the best performance during pregnancy is the desire of all women. Pregnancy does not make performance fat or maybe not happy. Pregnant women can still apply clothing styles according to fashion changes. But there are many basic provisions for choosing the right style of dress. Below are some types of performance that are prohibited or should not be performed by pregnant women.

1. Using High Heel Shoes

prohibition of pregnant women - using high heels When a woman's body is pregnant because of that there are limbs that continue to develop. The side of the pregnant woman's stomach will enlarge because it contains a fetus for the prospective baby to be born. When the body naturally develops this shape, the pregnant woman's body can become an important support for body weight, especially in the back and waist muscles. If you use high heels because of that the muscles that work for the waist will get tense.

The resulting impact

The following muscle tension that causes a pregnant woman's body is uncomfortable and feels pain in the back, waist and calves.

This can make pregnant women uncomfortable and easily tired.

Besides that, wearing high heels during pregnancy can cause bruised feet during pregnancy and fall easily due to poor balance.

The most risky effects are contractions due to muscle tension or miscarriage due to falls


Stay away from using high heels when your stomach starts to appear, our opinion is that after 2 months of pregnancy you should avoid using them. We recommend that after pregnancy avoid immediately.

2. Using Leotards and Uncomfortable

Some pregnant women do not seem to want to miss the fashion world. Several unsuitable fashions remained. One of them is the fashion of clothes that are so tight and uncomfortable for the side of the stomach. Even though some pregnant women still wear clothes that are so tight, this routine should be stopped.

The resulting impact

Clothes that are so tight on the abdomen will make the fetus feel depressed too, especially if the material is not flexible or conforms to the shape of the body.

The fetus will find it difficult to get oxygen consumption in the best way

The fetus will have difficulty moving (especially those aged 5 months and over)

Irritation of the stomach if accompanied by sweat chemicals on clothes


so, should wear loose clothes, still look and comfortable for pregnant women and the fetus. Loose clothes can make you more free.

If you have to wear fashionable clothes, you should choose clothes that have been specially made for pregnant women so as not to disturb your stomach and changes in your fetus.

The effect of using tight clothes is quite risky for pregnant women, so you must stay away from it.

3. Perform Sauna Body Care

prohibition of pregnant women - Sauna sauna is really very well implemented to make the body enjoy more. Plus it is for pregnant women who feel the development of the body and health situation during pregnancy. Sauna activity is not prohibited and can be carried out within specific limits.

Guide to Sauna During Pregnancy

Stay away from temperatures that are so hot

Do not often get optimal 1 x 1 month

Do not do the sauna when the load is> 3 months

The resulting impact

The baby will overheat in the mother's body

Excessive discharge

Lack of amniotic fluid

The effect when the load has been large can result in a miscarriage


So, do not take a sauna bath with water temperatures that are so hot because it can cause problems in fetal changes. Besides, stay away from soaking in hot water during pregnancy.

4. Depressed Thought and Depression

Pregnancy prohibition - stress and stress Do you feel if the baby who is in charge seems really sensitive to your feelings? The fetus in charge has really strong emotional bonds with the mother. When pregnant women feel depressed, angry, and depressed because of that the fetus can feel it.

The resulting impact

The fetus can also have feelings of depression and depression which can harm the life of the fetus and pregnant women. You should still feel happy during pregnancy.

The very dangerous impact is miscarriage, especially if the gestational age is still young under the change in the fetus of 3 months.


Do some activities that were happy during pregnancy so that the fetus is not disturbed, what you have to do to avoid depression during pregnancy.

5. Keep Pets

pregnant women restrictions - pet pets Did you have a dog or cat during your pregnancy? Having a pet can be really entertaining but you shouldn't do this during pregnancy.

Why is it at risk?

Litter from cats, dogs or other animals can give rise to the Toxoplasma virus.

The resulting impact

This virus will enter the fetus and interfere with fetal development. The greatest risk of Toxoplasma virus infection is miscarriage or fetal defects.


If you have pets, you should avoid getting into physical contact with them or avoiding these animals during pregnancy.

6. Perform the chosen healing

Some women try several types of preferred healing while pregnant. Several types of treatment options, for example, are reflexology, consuming herbs from herbs, and several types of drugs that have not been proven medically.

The resulting impact

If this is done during pregnancy it can affect fetal development and can result in miscarriage. So stay away from anything related to optional healing.


Any complaints you have during pregnancy, you should ask a cargo specialist. There are no facts regarding the preferred cure during pregnancy. When you go to a doctor, you must tell if you are pregnant. The doctor will adjust to your situation.

7. Still Diet During Pregnancy

Some pregnant women go on a diet during pregnancy. But the diet for pregnant women has a huge risk for the fetus. The fetus may experience deficiency in the nutrition of pregnant women that it needs during development. Besides, diet can cause baby defects because of the lack of specific substances during pregnancy. Pregnant women sometimes go on a diet because they don't want to be overweight during pregnancy. Even though a specific diet is really good for pregnant women, you should consult a professional doctor before deciding on a diet during pregnancy.

8. Smoking Routines

So active and passive smoking for pregnant women is completely prohibited for some types of gestational age. The nicotine that is sucked directly into the lungs will cause the fetus to experience problems. The acid in the nicotine from cigarettes will cause lung problems and weight problems in the fetus. Generally, fetuses born to passive smoking and active mothers have low body weight and are prone to disease.

Prohibition of Pregnant Women in Eating Schemes

drinks and food for pregnant women will have a direct effect on the development and safety of the fetus. All drinks and foods for pregnant women must meet several types of nutritional needs such as protein, fat, vitamins and several types of minerals. But sometimes pregnant women can't leave their bad routine in choosing specific types of food. Below are some important restrictions that you need to observe during pregnancy.

1. Consuming alcoholic beverages

Drinks that contain alcohol are absolutely not recommended for pregnant women. Alcohol can enter the fetus through the placenta which is connected directly from mother to fetus. The dangers of alcohol during pregnancy will enter the bloodstream of pregnant women and cause several health problems

Fetal defects,

brain problems in babies,

damage to important organs in the fetus such as heart, liver, lungs

physical disability.

2. Consuming drinks that contain caffeine

Any of your caffeine-related routine during pregnancy should be stopped immediately. Some foods that contain caffeine, such as tea and coffee, are not recommended during pregnancy. The dangers of caffeine for pregnant women work quickly to cause hormones that can cause stress. And the hormone is received directly by the fetus so that it is really a risk to the fetus.

Impact caused:



Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy

3. Eating raw food

In a number of specific countries the consumption of raw meat is very common. Among them are Japan which has a routine of consuming raw fish meat such as sashimi dishes, sushi or dishes of raw beef. In the pregnancy cycle this routine is completely prohibited. Some types of raw food are increasingly prone to disease triggers such as viruses, bacteria and worms. All triggers of this disease can flow to the fetus to interfere with fetal development.


Interferes with fetal development

And this routine can result in miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy

4. Eating foods with preservatives

Some changes in the types of foods that contain preservatives are very easy to spot. But all types of preservatives that go into additions to drinks and food should be strictly avoided by pregnant women. Several types of these substances can enter the fetus and cause health problems in the fetus. The fetus receives nutrients from the placenta which are directly linked to the blood of the pregnant woman. So, stay away from all types of food that contain preservatives.


Fetal abnormalities


Babies are deformed

The baby is malnourished

Most pregnancy problems occur because of preservatives

Grape pregnant

5. Eating foods that contain high salt

All types of foods that contain high amounts of salt are really risky for pregnant women. Salt that enters the body in pregnant women can cause fluid balance problems and pose a risk to kidney and lymph health. Salt will block the absorption of iron so that it actually interferes with the production of red blood cells. Too much salt in the body of pregnant women can cause body bruises and hypertension during pregnancy.


Can have a deadly effect during pregnancy.

6. Eating Unwashed Food

All types of unwashed food are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. Vegetables and fruits that are not washed can cause infection from bacteria in plants. Routines for consuming raw vegetables such as fresh vegetables should also be avoided. Bacteria can cause disease problems in babies.

7. Eating unpasteurized foods

Pasteurization is a process to put specific beverage or food ingredients into high temperatures. This process does not completely destroy the nutrition of drinks or food but is really good at killing all types of bacteria and germs on packaged foods. Pasteurization is generally carried out by the production of processing beverages and foods such as milk, cheese, canned food or juice. If food is not pasteurized it can cause disease problems in the fetus. So, look at the info on the drink or food package you are consuming.

8. Consuming Seafood Containing Mercury

Several types of marine fish are recommended for pregnant women because they can meet the nutritional needs of Omega 3 for the fetus. But specific types of fish that contain a lot of mercury are absolutely prohibited for pregnant women. Mercury in fish is found in meat cargo and is commonly found in several types of fish such as mackerel, shark, or swordfish. Mercury can be a carcinogen that can cause cancer for fetuses and pregnant women. Several types of sea fish that can still be consumed are tuna, salmon and shrimp. Stay away from all types of shellfish during pregnancy.

Prohibition of Pregnant Women in terms of Health

Pregnant women do have many restrictions on protecting the fetus and having a healthy baby. And there are many clinical mechanisms that are completely prohibited for pregnant women. Below are many things related to health and should not be carried out during pregnancy.

1. Taking OTC Medicines

During pregnancy, therefore, pregnant women can experience several types of signs of disease that make the body situation uncomfortable. But some pregnant women who don't understand have a routine of taking over-the-counter drugs without a doctor's guidance. The use of several types of drugs to treat fatigue, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea and other complaints of anxiety is absolutely prohibited. Some of these drugs can have dangerous ingredients that can cause health problems for the fetus. So, ask a cargo doctor if you experience pregnancy problems.

2. X-Ray Control

All types of x-ray or x-ray control are absolutely prohibited for pregnant women. Some types of equipment that use radiation can cause cell changes that can cause defects in the fetus. And radiation can also cause the development of cancer cells in the fetus. You should consult a doctor of charge if you are going to do the x-ray mechanism.

3. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy treatment to treat cancer is really not recommended for pregnant women. Some of the drugs to be used for chemotherapy are really strong and can have a really risky impact on the fetus and pregnant women. If a person has to do chemotherapy during pregnancy, generally the doctor will offer to do a special mechanism for the fetus according to the agreement.

4. Radiotherapy

Therapy using light radiation is really risky for pregnant women. This mechanism is generally implemented to cure cancer or tumors. Light radiation can cause problems for the fetus in an immediate way. Doctors generally will apply a special method for pregnant women who need to receive radiotherapy.

Prohibition of Pregnant Women in Everyday Life

In everyday life, it seems that pregnant women must also be really careful. Some types of routine that were performed before becoming pregnant may need to be stopped. This effort is only for maintaining the health and safety of pregnant women and fetuses. Below are some types of easy things in everyday life that are completely prohibited for pregnant women.

1. Using all types of mosquito repellent

All types of mosquito repellents in some form usually contain pesticides. There are many dangers that can exist for the fetus when pregnant women use mosquito repellents. Mosquito repellent can cause lung problems in the fetus, mosquito repellent spray can cause kidney disease and berries can cause fetal poisoning. So, it's better if you use natural steps to escape from mosquitoes.

Impact of fetal lung problems


2. Driving So Long

Driving is actually not prohibited for pregnant women. Pregnant women do not have to feel limited to doing certain types of activities. But driving over time can cause your back, stomach and waist to get tired faster. Resulting in can result in the fetus born early or premature. As well as driving situations that are not good for the development of the fetus in the womb of pregnant women.



3. Using a motorcycle on bad roads

Riding a motorcycle for pregnant women is indeed safe for the 2nd and 3rd trimester periods. But you have to also look at the road situation that will be traversed. If you force to go through a hollow road and cause a lot of contractions in the fetus because it can result in fatigue.



And this situation can also result in a miscarriage because the fetus is in shock during the load.

When witnessed, in general, there are many restrictions that need to be obeyed during pregnancy. But all these prohibitions have because and because they have the aim of keeping the fetus in charge, maintaining the health of the fetus and supporting the safety of pregnant women and the fetus. You can apply this prohibition to await the birth of a baby who is healthy and happy for your life.