
Pomegranate benefits for beauty and health

Pomegranates are always associated with the beauty of the skin, as well as identical with the rich super fruit health benefits. Not surprisingly, given the myriad of nutrients contained in the fruit. For women who want to have beautiful skin and beautiful hair, Pomegranate juice is very suitable for consumption. In addition to the fresh and delicious, the pomegranate is very popular as a natural and beneficial remedy for beauty caused nutrient rich like punicic acid, ellagic acid, antioxidants, omega 5 fatty acid that plays a role in the process of regeneration of Pomegranate red cells. contain a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium oxalate, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, niacin, folic acid, thiamin and riboflavin.

Benefits of Pomegranate juice To a glass of Pomegranate juice Beauty not only delights in the throat and delicious on the tongue, but it has many benefits for the beauty of the skin, hair, beauty and many other health benefits.

1 facial beauty. Moisturize dry skin Punicic acid and omega 3 found in pomegranate gives moisture to the skin and keep skin hydrated, so good for those who have dry skin and often experience irritation. In addition, Pomegranate juice effectively care for oily skin and acne. Pomegranate juice can potentially control the sebum production. 

2. Inhibit signs of aging Often drinking Pomegranate juice may delay premature aging, as well as reduce facial lines and wrinkles that are triggered by exposure to sunlight. The pomegranate has the ability to maintain the regeneration of skin cells, and inhibits pigmentation and dark spots on the skin.

3. Maintain the elasticity of the skin of Pomegranate red has long been known to have effectiveness in maintaining the fibroblasts which play a role in the production of collagen and elastin. Both of which serve to maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent wrinkles and lines on the face. Drinking Pomegranate juice on a regular basis will make the skin glow, so apply it as a facial mask. 

4. Prevent skin cancer red Pomegranate contains compounds such as tannins and anthocyanins which act as antioxidant and anti-cancer. Pomegranates contain ellagic acid and polyphenols that are able to inhibit the development of skin cancer, if applied directly on the skin.

Pomegranate benefits for beauty hair 

5. Prevent hair loss If you want to have strong and shiny hair, drink Pomegranate juice on a regular basis! Pomegranate juice strengthens the hair follicle, thus preventing loss on your hair. You can have the hair healthy and shiny with drink Pomegranate juice on a regular basis. Pomegranate for health benefits 

6. Lowering high blood pressure have Pomegranate juice benefits to reducing hypertension, as well as prevent the clotting of blood. 

7. Prevent heart disease of Pomegranate contains punicalagin which can maintain the elasticity of arteries and reduce inflammation of the blood vessels thus preventing atherosclerosis, cause heart disease. Red Pomegranate juice prevents clogged arteries, so that blood circulation to the heart and brain to be smooth. Drinking Pomegranate Juice also can lower bad cholesterol levels, as well as increasing the levels of good cholesterol.

8. Prevent Constipation fiber-rich red Pomegranate is good for digestive health and control bowel movement. Pomegranates contain no saturated fat or cholesterol, so it's good to lose your weight. 

9. Increase the body's immunity with the consumption of Pomegranate juice regularly can protect you from HIV transmission. The pomegranate is the best fruit to inhibit the transmission of the HIV virus. 

10. Prevent anemia Pomegranate juice contains iron which was instrumental in the formation of red blood cells. This is good news for you who often experience sluggish and weak due to anemia. 

11. Preventing prostate cancer red Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants that stimulate white blood cells to eliminate toxins in the body, and increase the body's immunity. Drink red pomegranate juice every day may inhibit prostate cancer. So the Red Pomegranate Benefits for beauty and health. In addition to the delicious taste, pomegranite juice turned out to be very suitable for you who want to have a healthy and beautiful body. So, absolutely nothing wrong if you like Pomegranate juice.