
Important Benefits of Cantaloupe Fruit is Known

Cantaloupe is one of the most sought after types of fruit when the month of Ramadan arrives. This fruit is often used to make refreshing drinks, such as fruit ice or fruit soup. It turns out that cantaloupe has good nutrition and nutrition for health. Then, what are the benefits of cantaloupe? Check out the full explanation below.

Cantaloupe which has the Latin name Cucumis melo var cantalupensis is still related to melon. Cantaloupe has a variety of nutrients and is low in calories, so it's good for those of you who are on a low calorie diet. Some of the nutritional content found in cantaloupe, including fiber, carbohydrates, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B. In addition, cantaloupe also contains about 90 percent of water, so it is able meet your body's fluid needs.

Benefits of Cantaloupe Fruit for Body Health
The following are the benefits of cantaloupe good for your body:

Maintain eye health
The content of vitamin A which is very much in cantaloupe is very important to maintain your eye health. In addition, vitamin A which has antioxidant properties is also useful to ward off free radicals that can damage body cells, help boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of eye disorders related to aging.
Take care of the skin
In addition to vitamin A, cantaloupe is also rich in vitamin C which is used by the body to help the process of collagen production, accelerate the healing process of wounds and flu, prevent premature aging, and protect the skin from free radicals.
Maintain fetal health
Cantaloupe was also very useful for pregnant women. The reason is, this fruit contains folate which is useful for preventing the occurrence of baby's neural tube defects, premature birth, and low birth weight of the baby. In addition, folate is also useful for reducing the risk of various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
Prevents constipation
Cantaloupe fruit also has a high fiber content. Eating cantaloupe regularly can prevent you from constipation and help you lose weight. Not only that, a diet high in fiber can also reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Reducing blood pressure
If you have a history of hypertension, it is advisable to consume cantaloupe regularly to help control high blood pressure. Cantaloupe contains potassium which is useful to help lower blood pressure. In addition, potassium is also useful for maintaining fluid balance in the body, and allows the body's muscles to contract properly.
To get the benefits of cantaloupe above is not enough just to consume this fruit alone. You also need to meet your nutritional intake by adopting a balanced nutritious diet, which is complemented by a variety of fruits and vegetables. Living a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, getting enough rest and reducing stress are also important things to do.

Tips for Choosing Cantaloupe Fruit
Generally, cantaloupe is often found during the coming of Ramadan. The fruit that is often consumed as a breaking fast menu has extraordinary freshness. This is what makes many people prefer cantaloupe than other fruits, to break their fast. But before you buy cantaloupe, first know the tips for choosing cantaloupe the following:

Cantaloupe which has good quality usually has a symmetrical round shape.
Choose cantaloupe which has a balanced weight with its size. In addition, look for cantaloupe fruit that has fine strokes on the surface of the skin.
Choose cantaloupe which has a yellow to slightly orange color. Avoid buying cantaloupe which is green, because it signifies not being fully ripe.
Choose cantaloupe that smells good and avoid buying cantaloupe which has a soft texture.
You need to remember, cantaloupe usually only lasts one day after peeling and cutting. So, try to consume it immediately after being cut, to get the maximum benefit of cantaloupe. Eating cantaloupe is good for health. However, don't forget to clean the cantaloupe properly before consumption.