
Benefits of Avocados for Child Growth

Routine consumption of avocados is known to provide a series of benefits for the body, including in children. This one fruit is called can help the growth of the Little, so it works better. Consumption of avocados in children, can even begin early, namely as a menu of solids at the age of 6 months. So, what are the actual benefits of avocados for growing children?

Introducing children to healthy food should be done early. Types of healthy foods that can be a choice are fruits, such as avocados. The nutritional content in this fruit is called can provide many healthy benefits for growing children.

In one avocado, there are many vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. In addition, avocados have a natural soft texture, making them suitable for pulp and easy to digest.

Healthy Benefits of Avocado Consumption
Who would have thought, avocados turned out to be very rich in nutrients and good for growing children. Avocados contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. In addition, avocados have a natural, soft texture that makes them suitable for pulp and easy to digest. Children also tend to like the taste of avocados which are light and tasty. There are benefits of avocados for the growth of your baby, including:

Smooth digestion
One of the benefits that can be obtained from the consumption of avocados is smooth digestion. Avocados are good for digestion because they are rich in nutrients that are important for intestinal health. When Little digestion is smooth, he can freely try and explore new things, so it is good for the process of growth and development.

Sources of Protein
Children need a lot of nutrition, especially protein to help them grow and develop. Avocados are included in the type of food source of protein, because it has a very high protein content compared to other types of fruit.

Reducing the Risk of Disease
Avocados have a sweet taste, so it is preferred by babies. But do not worry, this one fruit turned out to have only a few carbohydrates that can increase sugar levels. That way, the baby will avoid the risk of excess sugar consumption which in the long run can lead to disease.

Regulate Blood Pressure
During development, it is very important to always maintain a stable body condition, including blood pressure. Avocados contain folate and potassium which play a role in regulating baby's blood pressure to remain normal. In addition, avocados also have an important content of manganese in the development of brain and nerve function.

Besides being rich in nutrients, avocados are also recommended for children because they have a soft texture and are easily digested by the body. In order to get the perfect benefits, be sure to choose fresh avocados without chemicals. Choose avocados that feel soft when pressed, not too hard, or too soft.