
Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Babies You Need to Know

At the age of six months, your little one is introduced to a variety of types, flavors and textures as complementary foods for breast milk. Usually, complementary foods will start with a menu of soft-textured fruits, one of which is papaya.

It is undoubtedly the health benefits of papaya because of the good content in it, such as carbohydrates, fats, calcium, protein, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E, iron, folic acid, potassium, calcium, zinc and fiber. Here are the benefits of papaya as a complementary food for ASI:

Smooth digestion
Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain which can help launch the digestive process. Not a few babies who experience abdominal pain and flatulence because it is difficult to defecate when it happens, your little one will automatically fuss and cry all day because of the accumulation of dirt in the intestine.

To prevent this from happening, the mother can give papaya fruit that has been softened or steamed. The benefits of papaya on this one can be felt when consuming papaya that is ripe. In addition to smooth digestion, papaya can overcome irritation of the digestive system.

Maintaining Eye Health
The next benefit of papaya is maintaining eye health. Not only contained in carrots, vitamin A is also found in papaya and tomatoes. Maintaining the health of your little one's eyes should be done early.

Smooth Skin
Papaya has many vitamins that function in maintaining the health of the baby's skin. As you know, babies have very thin and sensitive skin. Because of this, the baby's skin still needs protection to prevent dangerous infections of the skin. Well, to meet the needs of good vitamins to keep the skin protected from infection, mothers can give your baby papaya fruit regularly.

Treating Thrush
The next benefit of papaya is to treat thrush in your baby, because of the content of vitamin C in it. This fruit also does not cause pain in the mouth ulcer, so it will not make him fussy. Sprue itself occurs due to irritation of the skin inside the mouth. To overcome this, destroy papaya, then place it in the area affected by canker sores.

Reducing Fever
Papaya contains a variety of vitamins and antioxidants that can overcome the fever in your child. In addition to being effective in reducing children's fever, papaya is also able to maintain the endurance of cells in the body due to fever.

Prevent cancer
Lycopene contained in papaya can be a cancer prevention. Cancer itself actually comes from gene mutations in cells in a gradual period of time. By consuming papaya regularly, this process can be prevented. In addition, papaya also contains high antioxidants that can prevent the body from free radical attack.

Improve the body's immune system
The content of vitamin C in papaya can help maintain the immune system. Babies have an imperfect immune system, so they are susceptible to infection. By regularly consuming papaya, the body can fight bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause disease.

Maintaining Heart Health
The folate content in papaya is able to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. Folate can convert homocysteine ​​into amino acids, so there is no buildup that causes damage to blood vessels. In addition to folate, papaya is also rich in fiber and potassium, which can help maintain heart health.