
Benefits of Ginger to Increase Immunity

Of the many traditional herbs in Indonesia, ginger is one that has been scientifically tested. In fact, this plant is often equated with Korean ginseng. Temulawak or cucrcuma xanthorriza roxb has various mangaat for the body. Starting from maintaining liver function, increasing appetite, to reduce fat in the blood.

According to information from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM RI), of the approximately 900 traditional traditional medicinal products registered in our country, most of them contain ginger. Interesting right?

Then, what are the benefits of ginger for the body? Is it true that these herbs can increase the immune system?

Improve the Immune System, Really?
Plants that are rich in curcumin content actually has many benefits for the body. Starting from overcoming liver disease, constipation, fever, anxiety, skin damage, and diarrhea. In addition, ginger can also help to increase endurance. Do not believe? According to research published in the journal PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science), curcumin content in ginger is good for the body's defense.

Curcumin in ginger has an anti-inflammatory function that will help boost the immune system. Interestingly, ginger also has an antibacterial and antiviral function, which makes it even more effective in protecting the body from infectious diseases.

Not only this, the benefits of ginger are also good for the digestive system. This herbal plant can stimulate the production of bile in the gallbladder. Well, this is what can help the digestion and metabolism of food in the body.

Overcoming Digestive System Problems
The benefits of ginger can stimulate the production of bile in the gallbladder. Well, this is what can help the digestion and metabolism of food in the body. Not only that, this herbal plant can also overcome flatulence, increase appetite, and help digestion that is not smooth.

According to a study published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, experts in the study asked someone who had intestinal inflammation to consume ginger each day. Then, how are the results? Well, it turns out they are experiencing a faster healing process than other groups who do not consume ginger.

Overcoming Osteoarthritis
Besides being good for the digestive system, other benefits of ginger can also help in overcoming osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis itself is an inflammation that occurs in the joints. Joints that suffer from this disease will feel painful and stiff.

Benefits of ginger related to osteoarthritis have also been published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. In the journal it is said, the effect of ginger is almost the same as the effect of ibuprofen (painkillers) given to people with osteoarthritis.

Watch the Side Effects
Although ginger has many benefits for the body, but the use of these herbs should not be careless. Because, ginger can also cause side effects for the body. For example, users of pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with liver and gallbladder disorders, must be careful when they consume ginger.

In addition to side effects, consider the dosage of its use. Consumption of ginger in the long run is actually not recommended. This can cause stomach nausea and irritation.

Well, you already know the properties of ginger for the skin. How, interested to try it?