
Benefits of Soybeans for Children's Health

Do you have the habit of drinking milk as a child? Milk contains calcium which is needed for growing children. Children are advised to drink at least 2-3 cups of fat-free or low-fat milk depending on their age. Soybean is one of the foods that offers high-quality protein and helps meet the needs of children's meat, milk, or vegetables. No less with cow's milk, soy is a source of calcium, vitamin D, fiber, and iron.

Another fact states that introducing soy from an early age helps children develop healthy eating patterns that last a lifetime. The reason is that food preferences developed in infants and toddlers tend to continue throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Incorporating soy into foods helps reduce fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories, and increases fiber, while still giving children essential vitamins and minerals.

Soybeans contain essential nutrients for children's growth and development, and work well as a main source of protein without contributing to excessive calories. Here are other benefits of soy to improve children's health.

Benefits of Soy for Children's Health
Besides being a delicious alternative for children's food, soy also helps prevent the development of certain diseases in the future. Launching from Soyfoods, children and adolescents who regularly consume soy have shown that these nuts can reduce constipation, reduce high cholesterol, and can reduce the risk of breast cancer later in life. Do not stop there, soy contains many essential nutrients for growth and development because it is the main source of protein without contributing to excess calories.

In addition, most children who are allergic to peanut butter are apparently still able to enjoy soybean butter. Most children who are allergic to milk protein and lactose intolerance can also get calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, and high-quality protein from soy milk. Calcium-fortified soymilk is proven to provide the amount of calcium absorbed in an amount comparable to cow's milk. There are some children who have an allergy to soy, but the reaction is usually quite mild.

Aside from the Benefits, Can Soybe Cause Other Risks?
Despite having a myriad of benefits above, soy is thought to pose certain risks associated with the isoflavone content in it. Isoflavones are compounds found in soy that are similar to estrogen. There is concern that this isoflavone acts like estrogen in the body, decreases testosterone levels for boys, and increases the risk of breast cancer for girls.