
The Great Benefits of Amino Acids You Need to Know

Of the many substances needed by the body, including amino acids that must not be forgotten. Especially for those who are undergoing a muscle formation program. The benefits of amino acids are believed to make your fitness program run successfully. Because, in addition to discipline to practice, eating foods rich in amino acid content also includes things to do.

Actually, the benefits of amino acids are not only special for muscles. This acid is also good for brain function, growth hormone, and cell and tissue growth. For more details, let's look at 5 great benefits of amino acids that seem necessary to know:

1. Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss can not only be prevented by beauty products, you know. This hair problem can also be prevented by amino acids. Yes, one of the benefits of amino acids is to prevent hair loss while maintaining healthy skin and nails. According to research from Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, hair loss is quite closely related to iron deficiency and suboptimal lysine intake. Well, lysine is one of the many types of amino acids.

2. Increase Muscle Mass

The benefits of amino acids can also make your muscles "smile". How come? Because muscle is formed from proteins consisting of various kinds of amino acids. The more muscle formed, the less room for fat in the body.

3. Maintaining Heart Health

According to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, amino acids are good for maintaining heart health. Because, several types of amino acids are believed to be important nutrients to maintain cardiovascular function. Lack of several types of amino acids is associated with cardiac dysfunction.

4. Maintaining Hormone and Enzyme Balance

You must be vigilant if you lack of amino acids, because it could be that hormones and enzymes in your body become chaotic, especially balance hormones. Another benefit of amino acids is to release insulin, so that the level of blood sugar balance is maintained. Meanwhile, growth hormone can increase the development of muscle mass and help the process of burning fat and energy, and strengthen bones and collagen.

5. Increase Stamina and Memory

Foods high in amino acids can also prevent you from exhaustion. In addition, the benefits of amino acids can also improve the process of detoxification of ammonia by the liver. As a result, your overall body health is increasing. Not only that, he can also avoid depression and improve memory.

That's the 5 big benefits that can be obtained from amino acids. However, please also note that in addition to foods high in amino acids, you need to balance your healthy diet with other nutritious foods. Don't forget to drink lots of water and get enough rest. If it hurts, immediately download the Halodoc application to consult with a doctor, anytime and anywhere.

Various Types of Amino Acids
Amino acids are of various types. Some of these are conditional, nonessential, and essential amino acids. However, the body cannot produce this type of essential amino acid. So the alternative, you need to eat foods that contain these types of amino acids. Well, here are the types of essential amino acids and their sources:

1. Leucine

Foods such as seaweed, tuna, soy, egg whites, and chicken contain leucine. This type of amino acid plays an important role in forming one third of the skeletal muscle tissue in the body.

2. Valine

You can find this type of amino acid in eggs, seaweed, watercress, turkey, and spinach.

3. Isoleucine

This type you can find in egg whites. In addition, foods such as lamb, turkey, soybeans, crabs, chicken, are also good sources of isoleucine. Just like leucine, isoleucine also plays a role in forming the skeletal muscle tissue of the body.

4. Tryptophan

This one type of amino acid can make the body relax instantly. If you feel sad, stressed, or depressed, try consuming foods that are rich in tryptophan. Because, tryptophan can increase the hormone serotonin in the brain, which will improve mood. You can get tryptophan from soybeans, seaweed, turkey, egg whites, chicken breast, and spinach.