
Benefits of consuming cucumbers when stomach acid rises

Cucumber, or which has the scientific name Cucumis sativus L is a vegetable that is often used as vegetables or pickles. Cucumber is rich in water content, so it makes the mouth feel fresh when consumed. This vegetable has a myriad of benefits for both health and beauty of the body because it contains a variety of vitamins in it, such as vitamins A, B, C, and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica.

Vegetables on this one effective in dealing with the increase in gastric acid in a person because of the content of alkalinity in it, and the cooling properties it has. To overcome stomach acid disease, you can consume this one vegetable by way of juice, as much as two glasses each day. Not able to cope with stomach acid disease, the following benefits of cucumbers for health!

1. Improve Bone Health
The first benefit of cucumbers is to improve bone health. This can occur because of the content of vitamin K in cucumbers which is key in maintaining bone health. In one cup of cucumber and skin, able to meet 20 percent of daily vitamin K needs for the body. These nutrients are needed for bone formation, and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis in the future.

2. Prevent Dehydration in the Body
Water is a very important requirement for the body, and plays an important role in body health. When the amount is lacking, physical performance to the body's metabolism will be disrupted. Not only sourced from water alone, steps to meet bodily fluids can be sourced from vegetables, one of which is cucumber. Cucumber consists of 96 water that is effective in maintaining water levels in the body, and helps the body meet the fluid needs in it.

3. Protect the Brain from Neurological Diseases

The next benefit of cucumbers is protecting the brain from neurological diseases. An anti-inflammatory substance called fisetin is found in cucumbers. This substance plays a role in maintaining brain health, by reducing the impact of age-related neurological diseases. Not only that, these substances are also able to help maintain cognitive function in a person with Alzheimer's disease.

4. Supports Heart Health

Supporting heart health is the next benefit of cucumbers. Cucumbers contain 152 milligrams of potassium per cup which can help lower blood pressure. When consuming potassium regularly, can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Well, if you are confused about getting potassium content, you can try consuming cucumbers regularly.

5. Helps Lower Blood Sugar

Cucumbers can help reduce blood sugar levels in the body, as well as prevent some complications from diabetes. Cucumbers are proven to be able to effectively reduce and control blood sugar levels in the body. The study was conducted on animals. Cucumber peel extract can reduce the risk associated with diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels in the body. However, further research needs to be done in humans.

6. Improve Skin Health
The content of cucumbers can provide a soothing effect on the skin, and reduce skin irritation and swelling. Because it provides a calming effect, cucumber can be used as a home remedy for acne prone skin problems, and sunburn. In addition, cucumbers are also able to cope with swollen eyes, because the water content, vitamin C, and caffeic acid which is a natural chemical that has anti-inflammatory properties.