
Benefits of Avocados for Child Growth

Seeing the development of children who grow according to their age becomes happiness for parents. Child's growth and development is influenced by many things, such as proper stimulation and fulfillment of nutrition and balanced nutrition according to increasing age.

Many nutrients and nutrients needed by children when entering the growth and development, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Meet the nutritional needs of children by providing a healthy diet, one of which consumes vegetables and fruit.

Avocados have good benefits for children's development. Avocado benefits that can be obtained, namely:

1. Maintain Digestive Health

Children with good appetite and can urinate regularly are a sign that the child is in good growth and development. The high fiber content of avocados can help children to maintain digestive health. By eating foods that contain fiber, children avoid constipation and other digestive disorders.

2. Helps Gain Weight

There are several conditions that are a sign when a child has good growth according to his age, one of which is weight gain adjusted to his age. Avocados that contain good fats can help children to have an ideal body weight according to their age. Reporting from First Bite Nutrition, children need fat in their food intake. Avocados contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. This fat which plays a role in the absorption of nutrients and nutrients consumed by children.

3. Helps Children Stay Active

Minerals and vitamins found in avocados can keep children active. Avocados have a lot of vitamin content in them, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. Avocados also contain vitamin E and vitamin C which are good for health.

4. Optimizing Child Brain Development

In the process of optimizing a child's brain development, folate also plays an important role. There is no harm in giving the avocado mother which is one of the fruits with a high folate content. Not only that, omega 3 fatty acids and manganese content contained in the brain are useful for making a child's brain development run optimally.

5. Keeping Children's Bones Stronger

The high calcium and potassium content in avocados is able to maintain the health of children's bones. Not only bones, fulfilling the needs of calcium and potassium also makes the child's teeth become healthier and stronger.

6. Maintaining Children's Eye Health

Avocados are not only one of the best foods for the absorption of antioxidants for the body and have high levels of antioxidants, such as carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these antioxidants are good for eye health. So, it never hurts to give avocados to children regularly so that children avoid various eye health disorders.

That is the benefits of avocados that can be felt by children when eating avocados regularly. To add nutrition, it never hurts to mix avocados with other fruit to be more varied and children are interested in eating fruit.