
Benefits of Infused Lemon Water for Digestion

Lemon is one of the most popular and versatile types of citrus fruits. This fruit is popular because of its refreshing taste and fresh aroma suitable for flavoring many recipes, processed into infused water or even fragrance. This fruit is also a good source of vitamin C and the health benefits are amazing. Starting from the antibacterial and antiviral properties to its ability to increase immunity.

One common way to reap the benefits of lemon for health by making infused water. Lemon acts as a digestive and detoxifying agent and helps cleanse the liver which leads to better digestive health. Check out the following benefits of infused lemon water for digestion!

Helps Prevent Constipation
Launch of Healthline, some people drink infused lemon water as a morning laxative every day to help prevent constipation. Drinking warm or hot lemon water when you wake up can help your digestive system move.

Ayurvedic medicine says the taste of lemon helps stimulate "agni". In ayurvedic medicine, a powerful agni starts the digestive system, allows you to digest food more easily and helps prevent the buildup of toxins in the body.

Reducing weight
Infused lemon water is also an effective way to reduce weight because it increases the body's metabolic rate. For people who want to use lemon because of their ability to lose weight, infused water is not recommended, but to drink lemon juice with warm water every day on an empty stomach to give extraordinary results.

Along with the benefits of weight loss, drinking warm lemon water every morning also has many other benefits. Nutrition experts and Edison Institute of Nutrition have listed some of the most effective heealth benefits of drinking lemon juice with warm water every morning. Add half of the fresh lemon juice to 8 ounces of cold, warm or hot water, enjoy the flavor and benefits.

In addition, the benefits of infused water that you will get, include:

As a source of vitamin C, infused lemon water protects the body and strengthens the immune system;
Drinking lemon juice with warm water every morning can maintain the body's pH balance;
With strong antibacterial properties, lemon juice helps fight infections;
Acting as a detoxification agent.
Lemon juice is also effective at cleansing the liver because it promotes the liver to remove toxins.
Lemon juice with warm water helps digestion and hence, helps regulate natural bowel movements.

Also know the side effects of Infused Water Lemon
Lemon water is generally safe to drink, but there are a number of potential side effects that need attention. Lemon contains citric acid, which can erode tooth enamel. To limit the risk, drink lemon water through a straw, and rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

Some people report going to the bathroom more often when drinking lemon water. Although vitamin C is often believed to have diuretic properties. However, the evidence does not show that vitamin C from natural sources such as lemon has a diuretic effect. This is most likely due to an increase in water intake.