
Benefits of Guava to Help Dengue Recovery

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) has recently increased again. This disease is caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Not only causes symptoms of fever, DHF can also lead to a serious condition, especially if the treatment is done too late.

To treat DHF, intensive treatment from a doctor is needed. However, to help its recovery, Indonesian people have long used guava juice as an alternative treatment method other than medicine. However, is it true that the benefits of guava to help DHF recovery can be scientifically proven?

These Benefits of Guava for DHF Recovery
People with DHF generally experience decreased levels of platelets in the blood. If these platelet levels continue to fall below 20,000 / microliter, this condition can have harmful effects on the body's sufferers. One of them is spontaneous bleeding that is difficult to stop.

Therefore, maintaining platelet levels in order to recover to normal levels is important in the treatment of DHF. Normal platelet levels generally range from 150,000 / microliter to 450,000 / microliter.

Now, to help increase platelet levels in the body with DHF, guava can be a solution. Usually, people with DHF consume this fruit in the form of juice. The content of guava that is useful for helping DHF recovery is quercetin type flavonoids.

These substances are believed to inhibit the dengue virus to multiply in the body. That way, the level of virus infection in the body will be reduced. Well, the reduced level of dengue virus infection can prevent bleeding due to damage to platelets in the blood.

Besides being made into juice, a part of guava that can also be used to help with DHF recovery is the leaves. In a study, it was found that guava leaf extract can inhibit the growth of dengue virus in the body.

Not only that, guava leaf boiled water is also believed to help overcome bleeding in DHF sufferers. In fact, boiled water guava leaves are also said to increase the number of platelets in the blood to 100,000 / microliter, within 16 hours.

Although its properties have long been believed, keep in mind that guava can only be used to help recovery. For complete treatment until it is completely healed, people with DHF must still get medical treatment and follow all instructions from the doctor.

Other Treatments to Support DHF Recovery
Eating guava juice is believed to help recovery of DHF. However, as has been said earlier, treatment by doctors remains a major step that must be done. If you are diagnosed with DHF, your doctor will usually advise you to drink plenty of water, to avoid dehydration due to vomiting and high fever.

To overcome the symptoms of pain arising from this disease, your doctor may prescribe painkillers, such as acetaminophen. However, keep in mind that pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided, because they can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding.

The faster the treatment of DHF is carried out, the greater the chance of recovery. If you feel you experience symptoms of DHF such as nausea, high fever, pain in the joints of the body and appearing red spots on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Eating guava juice to help with dengue recovery is believed to help. However, you still need to be careful in consuming it and don't overdo it too. Because everything that is good can become bad if it is excessive.